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Hey and welcome to my site! This is mainly a personal blog site where I plan to keep my references and links to content that I utilize. It largely consists of storytelling, art references, podcasts, and content of that nature. The main content for this page is going to be located in my blog where everything will be tagged and organized.

The Series section of the site can be ignored for now as I have developed a new and more efficient way of storing information. I have plans to renovate it for future use to host other stuff I'll reveal at a later date. For now, however, I hope you may find something here that could be useful to you or inspiring! I try my best to find useful and engaging content that could help other story writers and artists improve their craft.


This is not a site run by a professional illustrator or book writer. The blog serves the purpose of being a holder for information that I've found and wanted to put together in an easy-to-access system (to free up tabs and notes and help others since my friends ask often).

Since the information I will be sharing is not crafted by my own hands, I do not make money off this site in any way by using other individuals' content. This is a place for me to share, not profit. I do plan, however, to feature some personal favorite artists of mine on Fridays (with fully linked and credited pieces and his/her social media).

Chat log

If I happen to feature you and you wish to not be associated with the site/have work featured here shoot me an email at or shoot a message using the contact button at the bottom right of the screen (pictured to the right) and I will be more than glad to remove it for you (no hard feelings!).

I hope you all may find some tidbit of information here or there that may help you in one way or another. The world of art has many amazing contributors and people and it can become hard to narrow it all down at times. If there is anything you're looking for or would like to see, let me know in the comments



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