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Lore Development

Feel free to save this information for later use. This content was inspired by Reedsy, I reformated it to make it easier to read/use and added a significant amount of extra information/expanded on the topics. Full credit is Here. Please use the following information as a reference for areas where it may enhance the professionalism of your writing. This information is intended to supplement your storytelling, and may not be relevant to all aspects of your work. For example, if your story includes elements of magic, the following information in TECHNOLOGY, MAGIC, & WEAPONS MAGIC SYSTEM may be useful to consider/use. However, if your story does not feature magic, you may disregard that information and use content from another section. This isn't going to cover everything possible in world-building, but hopefully, some of the questions may inspire you or invoke thinking on some parts.

The Sections:


    1. Flora and fauna

    2. Creatures

    3. Landscape

    4. Diseases


    1. Capital city

    2. Flags and symbols


    1. Climate


    1. Physical build

    2. Mannerisms

    3. Customs and rituals

    4. Festivals


    1. Sayings

    2. Accents

    3. Greetings


    1. Class or Caste Systems

    2. Family Structure

    3. Marriage


    1. Myths

    2. CULTURE

    3. Literature, Art, and Music

    4. Clothing

    5. Cuisine


    1. Gods and Deities

    2. Holy Texts

    3. Significant Prophets




    1. Rules of Magic

    2. Practitioning Magicians



    1. Signature Weapons

    2. Common Weapons


    1. Currency

    2. Major Imports & Exports

    3. Natural Resources




  18. LAW

    1. Justice Systems

    2. War Systems

L O R E :


How was the world created? How long ago was it created?

  • What were the conditions of the world at the time of its creation? Was it a barren and empty place, or was it already inhabited by other beings or forces?

  • Who or what was responsible for the creation of the world? Was it a single entity, or was it the result of multiple forces working together?

  • What was the purpose of the creation of the world? Was it a deliberate act, or was it an accidental or unintended consequence of something else?

  • How have the inhabitants of the world come to understand the story of its creation? Have they developed myths and legends to explain it, or have they uncovered scientific or historical evidence that sheds light on the true nature of the world's origins?

How do the laws of physics work?

  • Are the laws of physics in your world the same as those we experience on Earth, or do they differ in some way?

  • What are the consequences of the laws of physics in your world? For example, how do they affect the behavior of matter and energy, the movement of celestial bodies, or the properties of the world itself?

  • Have the inhabitants of the world always understood the laws of physics as we know them, or have they had to discover or uncover them over time?

  • What role do the laws of physics play in the lives of the people and creatures that live in your world? Do they shape their daily experiences or influence their beliefs and worldviews in any way?

How does the solar system move? What celestial beings exist (suns, stars, moons, etc.) and how do they relate to the world?

  • What is the structure of the solar system in your world? How many celestial bodies are there, and how are they arranged in relation to one another?

  • How do the celestial bodies in the solar system interact and relate to one another? Do they have any significant effects on one another, such as gravitational influences or exchanges of energy or matter?

  • How do the celestial bodies in the solar system affect the world and its inhabitants? For example, do they influence the world's climate or seasons, or do they have any cultural or mythological significance for the people who live there?

  • Are there any other celestial beings or phenomena that exist beyond the solar system in your world? If so, how do they fit into the larger cosmic picture, and what role do they play in the lives of the world's inhabitants?

Flora and Fauna
  • What is the overall diversity of plant and animal life in your world? Are there many different species, or are there only a few that are dominant?

  • How do the flora and fauna in your world evolve and adapt over time? Do they undergo significant changes in response to environmental factors, or do they remain relatively stable?

  • Are there any unusual or fantastical creatures in your world, such as dragons, unicorns, or other mythical beasts? If so, how do they fit into the ecosystem and how do they interact with other species?

  • What role do plants and animals play in the culture and daily lives of the people in your world? Are they revered or respected, or are they seen as a source of food or other resources?

  • How does the flora differ from region to region in your world? Do different regions have their own unique plant life or are there certain species that are found throughout the world?

  • What factors influence the distribution of plant life in your world? For example, are there certain climates or soils that are more conducive to certain types of plants?

  • Do any plants in your world have special or magical properties? If so, how are these properties discovered and how are they used by the people in your world?

  • Are there any dangerous or poisonous plants in your world? If so, how do people protect themselves from them, and how do they use them safely?

  • Do the plants in your world have any spiritual or symbolic significance for the people who live there? Do they play a role in rituals or ceremonies, or are they seen as having special powers or abilities?

  • How do the different species of animals in your world evolve and adapt over time? Do they undergo significant changes in response to environmental factors, or do they remain relatively stable?

  • What is the overall diversity of animal life in your world? Are there many different species, or are there only a few that are dominant?

  • Are there any unusual or fantastical creatures in your world, such as dragons, unicorns, or other mythical beasts? If so, how do they fit into the ecosystem and how do they interact with other species?

  • What role do animals play in the culture and daily lives of the people in your world? Are they revered or respected, or are they seen as a source of food or other resources?

How do the animals in your world obtain food and other resources?

  • Do they hunt other animals, gather plant materials, or engage in other activities to obtain the resources they need?

  • How do the animals in your world interact with their environment and with other species in order to obtain the resources they need?

  • Do the animals in your world have any special adaptations or behaviors that help them obtain the resources they need?

How do the animals in your world reproduce and raise their young?

  • Do different species of animals have different reproductive strategies? For example, do some animals lay eggs, while others give birth to live young?

  • How do the animals in your world care for their young, and how do they teach them the skills they need to survive on their own?

  • Do the animals in your world form social bonds or communities, and if so, how do these bonds influence their reproductive and parenting behaviors?

Do the animals in your world have any spiritual or symbolic significance for the people who live there?

  • Do they play a role in rituals or ceremonies, or are they seen as having special powers or abilities?

  • Do the people in your world have any special relationships with certain animals, or do they view them in a particular way?

  • What is the overall diversity of animal life in your world? Are there many different species, or are there only a few that are dominant?

  • How do the different species of animals in your world evolve and adapt over time? Do they undergo significant changes in response to environmental factors, or do they remain relatively stable?

  • Are there any unusual or fantastical creatures in your world, such as dragons, unicorns, or other mythical beasts? If so, how do they fit into the ecosystem and how do they interact with other species?

  • What role do animals play in the culture and daily lives of the people in your world? Are they revered or respected, or are they seen as a source of food or other resources?

What kind of wildlife roam which parts of your world?

  • How is the distribution of animal life in your world determined? Are there certain regions or habitats that are home to particular types of animals?

  • Do the animals in your world migrate or move between different regions, and if so, why?

  • Are there any animals that are found only in certain parts of the world, or that are particularly common or abundant in certain areas?

How did the wildlife evolve? Where are they mostly found?

  • How did the animals in your world come to be the way they are today? Did they evolve from earlier species, or were they created by some other means?

  • What factors influenced the evolution of the animals in your world? For example, were there particular environmental pressures or challenges that shaped their development?

  • Are there any animals that have evolved in unusual or unique ways in your world, and if so, what sets them apart from other species?

Do mythical creatures such as dragons exist? How do they fit into the ecosystem?

  • If there are mythical creatures in your world, how do they differ from other animals? Do they have special abilities or characteristics that set them apart?

  • How do the mythical creatures in your world interact with other animals and with their environment?

  • Do the mythical creatures in your world have any special roles or purposes in the world or are they simply a part of the natural world like any other species?

  • What is the overall diversity of monsters in your world? Are there many different types, or are there only a few that are common?

  • How do monsters in your world come to be? Are they created by some external force, or do they evolve from other species?

  • What are the characteristics and abilities of the monsters in your world? Do they have any special powers or abilities that set them apart from other creatures?

  • How do monsters in your world interact with other creatures and with their environment? Do they have any particular roles or purposes in the world, or are they simply a part of the natural order?

How do monsters and human(oids) interact with one another in your world?

  • Are there any conflicts or tensions between monsters and humanoids in your world, or do they coexist peacefully?

  • Do monsters and humanoids have any special relationships in your world, such as those of symbiosis or domestication?

  • Do monsters and humanoids have any cultural or social interactions with one another, or do they mostly live in separate societies or communities?

  • What is the overall layout and geography of the world?

  • Is it a planet, or is it a different type of celestial body?

  • What are the major landforms and features of the world, such as mountains, valleys, lakes, and oceans?

  • How do these landforms and features influence the climate and environment of the world?

  • Are there any significant geographical barriers that divide the world into distinct regions or biomes?

Where are the mountain ranges, rivers, forests, deserts, and seas located in your world?

  • How is the distribution of these landforms and features determined? Are they influenced by factors such as climate, altitude, or geology?

  • How do the different regions of your world differ from one another in terms of their landscape and environment?

  • Are there any particularly notable or unique features of the landscape in your world, such as towering waterfalls, deep canyons, or ancient forests?

How does the terrain interact with its inhabitants?

  • How do the different landforms and features of your world influence the way people live and work in those regions?

  • Are there any particular challenges or opportunities that arise as a result of the landscape of your world?

  • Do the people in your world have any special adaptations or technologies that help them cope with the challenges of living in different parts of the world?

Are there any "natural wonders" in your world? How were they formed?

  • Are there any particularly striking or unusual features of the landscape in your world that people consider to be natural wonders?

  • How did these natural wonders come to be? Were they formed by geological processes such as erosion or tectonic activity, or were they created by some other means?

  • Do the natural wonders in your world have any special significance for the people who live there? Are they revered or celebrated in any way, or are they simply a part of the natural world like any other feature?


What natural diseases have evolved in your world?

  • Are there many different types of diseases in your world, or are there only a few that are common or particularly virulent?

  • How do these diseases affect the people and animals of your world? Do they cause serious illness or death, or are they relatively mild?

  • How do the diseases of your world evolve over time? Do they mutate or change in response to environmental pressures or the immune systems of their hosts?

How are diseases transmitted in your world?

  • Do diseases in your world spread through direct contact with infected individuals, through vectors such as insects or animals, or through other means?

  • How do people and animals in your world become infected with diseases? Are there any particular behaviors or conditions that increase the risk of infection?

  • How do the methods of disease transmission in your world influence the way people and animals interact with one another and with their environment?

How has the presence of diseases affected population growth in your world?

  • Have diseases had a significant impact on the size and demographics of the populations in your world?

  • How have people and animals in your world responded to the presence of diseases? Have they developed ways to prevent or treat infections, or have they simply learned to live with them?

  • Have the impacts of diseases on population growth varied from place to place in your world, or have they affected everyone in a similar way?

How do people and animals in your world respond to illness and disease?

  • Do they have access to medical treatment or care, or do they have to rely on traditional or alternative remedies?

  • How do people and animals in your world cope with the physical and emotional challenges of illness and disease? Do they have support systems in place to help them through these difficult times?

  • How do the attitudes and beliefs of people and animals in your world towards illness and disease influence the way they respond to these challenges?

What is the overall state of public health in your world?

  • Are there widespread epidemics or pandemics in your world, or are diseases generally well-controlled and contained?

  • How do the authorities in your world respond to outbreaks of disease? Do they have measures in place to prevent the spread of infections, or do they rely on individual responsibility and self-protection?

  • How do the social and economic conditions of your world influence the state of public health? Are some people or groups more vulnerable to illness and disease than others?

How do the diseases of your world interact with other aspects of the world's biology and ecology?

  • Do the diseases of your world have any impact on the natural environment or are they confined to people and animals?

  • Do the diseases of your world interact with other species in the ecosystem, or are they confined to particular hosts?

  • How do the diseases of your world evolve over time in response to their environment and the immune systems of their hosts?



• What are the major cities in your world? Ports? Most populated metropolises?

• Is your world split geographically? (e.g., rural, urban, north, and south, etc.) If so, how?

  • What is the history of each major city? How did it come to be, and how has it changed over time?

  • What are the different neighborhoods or districts within each major city? How do they differ from one another, and what makes each one unique?

  • What are the major industries or economic drivers in each major city? How do these shape the city's culture and way of life?

  • What are the social and cultural influences in each major city? What languages, religions, or traditions are prominent in each city?

  • What are the different architectural styles or landmarks in each major city? How do these reflect the city's history or culture?

  • How is each major city connected to the rest of the world? What ports or transportation hubs does it have, and how do these facilitate trade and travel?

  • What are the different geographical divisions in your world, and how do they influence the culture, economy, and way of life in each region?

  • What are the natural features of each region, and how do they shape the landscape and the lives of the people living there?

  • Are there any major conflicts or political tensions between different regions or cities in your world? How do these affect the relationships between these places?

Capital City

• What is the capital city of the world? Why is it the capital?

  • What is the history of the capital city? How did it come to be the capital, and what events have shaped its history?

  • What is the political structure of your world, and how does the capital city fit into this structure? How does it function as the center of government and administration?

  • What is the population of the capital city, and how diverse is it? How do different groups or communities coexist within the city?

  • What are the major industries or economic drivers in the capital city? How do these shape the city's culture and way of life?

  • What are the social and cultural influences in the capital city? What languages, religions, or traditions are prominent in the city?

  • What are the different neighborhoods or districts within the capital city? How do they differ from one another, and what makes each one unique?

  • What are the different architectural styles or landmarks in the capital city? How do these reflect the city's history or culture?

  • How is the capital city connected to the rest of the world? What ports or transportation hubs does it have, and how do these facilitate trade and travel?

  • What role does the capital city play in the wider world? How does it influence the culture, economy, and politics of the surrounding region or the entire world?

Flags and Symbols

• How does each city choose to represent itself (crest, flags, signature colors)?

  • What are the symbols or imagery used in each city's crest, flag, or other forms of representation? What do these symbols mean, and how do they reflect the city's history or culture?

  • How do the signature colors of each city reflect the city's identity or values?

  • How do the people of each city use these symbols or colors to express their pride in their city?

  • How do these symbols or colors influence the city's branding or marketing efforts?

  • Are there any cultural or historical traditions associated with the symbols or colors used by each city?

  • How do the different cities in your world compare in terms of their representation? Are there any common themes or trends among them?

  • How do the different regions or provinces in your world represent themselves? Do they have similar or distinct symbols and colors?

  • How do the different cultures or groups within each city use these symbols or colors to express their own identities?

  • Are there any conflicts or controversies surrounding the symbols or colors used by each city? How are these resolved or addressed?



• What are the processes of your world that drive weather and ocean patterns?

• Are certain regions more vulnerable to certain weather conditions?

  • What are the major atmospheric and oceanic systems in your world, and how do they influence the weather and ocean patterns?

  • What are the different climates and weather patterns in your world, and how do they vary by region or location?

  • How do the natural features of your world, such as mountains, forests, and oceans, influence the weather and ocean patterns?

  • What are the major seasons in your world, and how do they affect the weather and ocean patterns?

  • How do human activities, such as industrialization or deforestation, affect the weather and ocean patterns in your world?

  • Are there any extreme weather events, such as hurricanes or droughts, that occur in your world? How do these events shape the landscape and the lives of the people living there?

  • Are there any magical or fantastical elements that influence the weather and ocean patterns in your world?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view and cope with the weather and ocean patterns? Do they have any traditional beliefs or practices related to these processes?

  • Are there any technological or scientific advancements that allow the people of your world to predict or mitigate the effects of weather and ocean patterns?


• How does the climate differ in each region?

• What are the seasons like in your world?

  • How many seasons are there?

  • What are the major atmospheric and oceanic systems in your world, and how do they influence the climate and seasons?

  • How do the natural features of your world, such as mountains, forests, and oceans, influence the climate and seasons?

  • What are the different weather patterns in your world, and how do they vary by region or location?

  • How do the different regions in your world compare in terms of their climate and seasons? How do these differences shape the culture, economy, and way of life in each region?

  • What are the major seasons in your world, and how do they affect the climate and the lives of the people living there?

  • Are there any extreme weather events, such as hurricanes or droughts, that occur in your world? How do these events shape the landscape and the lives of the people living there?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view and cope with the climate and seasons? Do they have any traditional beliefs or practices related to these processes?

  • Are there any technological or scientific advancements that allow the people of your world to predict or mitigate the effects of the climate and seasons?

  • How do the climate and seasons influence the natural environment of your world? How do they affect the flora and fauna of each region?



• What intelligent species or races populate your world?

Dwarves? Elves? Xenomorphs? Monsters? Other? How did they come to exist?

• How does each race or species perceive each other?

How do they co-exist?

  • What are the physical, cultural, and social characteristics of each race or species? How do these differences shape the way they interact with one another and with the wider world?

  • What are the histories of each race or species? How did they come to exist, and how have they evolved over time?

  • What are the relationships between each race or species? Are they peaceful or hostile? How do they interact with one another on a daily basis?

  • What are the different societies, communities, or cultures that each race or species belongs to, and how do they differ from one another?

  • Are there any conflicts or tensions between different races or species? How are these resolved or managed?

  • How do the different races or species view their place in the world? Do they have a shared mythology or belief system that shapes their worldview?

  • Are there any magical or fantastical elements that influence the lives or abilities of different races or species?

  • How do the different races or species adapt to or interact with their environment? What are their natural habitats or ecological niches?

  • Are there any cultural or social taboos or customs that govern the relationships between different races or species? How are these enforced or observed?

  • Are there any political, economic, or social power imbalances between different races or species? How do these shape the way they interact with one another?

  • How do the different races or species view their own identities and cultures, and how do they preserve or transmit these to future generations?

  • How do the different races or species view the concept of "otherness" or difference? Do they have any prejudices or stereotypes about other races or species?

  • Are there any laws or policies that govern the relationships between different races or species? How are these enforced or observed?

  • How do the different races or species view their own mortality or lifespan compared to other races or species? Do they have any beliefs or practices related to death or the afterlife?

  • How do the different races or species reproduce or raise their young? What are their parenting practices or family structures?

  • Are there any cross-cultural marriages or relationships between different races or species? How are these viewed by different societies or communities?

  • What are the different forms of communication or language used by different races or species? How do they learn or teach these languages to others?

  • Are there any cultural or social events or festivals that bring different races or species together? How do these foster intercultural understanding or cooperation?

Physical Build

•What do the inhabitants of your world look like?

Do they have any distinguishing features?

•What is the societal standard for beauty?

How might this differ in each region of the world?

  • What are the physical characteristics of the different races or species in your world? How do these influence their appearance and way of life?

  • How do the different races or species view their own physical appearance? Do they have any cultural or social norms related to grooming or fashion?

  • What are the societal standards of beauty in your world? How do these differ by race, species, or region?

  • How do these standards of beauty shape the way people present themselves or interact with one another?

  • How do people in your world view physical differences or disabilities? Are there any stigmas or prejudices associated with these differences?

  • How do people in your world view aging or the passage of time? Do they have any cultural or social practices related to aging gracefully or preserving youth?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view gender and gender expression? How do these influence the appearance or roles of people within these societies?

  • How do the different regions or climates in your world influence the appearance or fashion trends of the people living there?

  • Are there any technological or scientific advancements that allow people in your world to alter their appearance or enhance their physical abilities? How do these advancements shape the societal standards of beauty or the way people view their own bodies?

  • What are the different social hierarchies or class systems in your world, and how do these shape the way people interact with one another?

  • How do people in your world convey respect or deference to those of higher rank or status? What are the appropriate forms of address or behavior in these situations?

  • How do people in your world convey disrespect or disdain for those of lower rank or status? What are the inappropriate forms of behavior or language in these situations?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the concept of hierarchy or status? Do they have any shared or differing beliefs about how people should interact with one another based on their rank or class?

  • How do people in your world convey nonverbal cues, such as boredom, disbelief, happiness, or impatience? What are the cultural or social norms related to these cues?

  • How do people in your world convey respect or reverence for their elders or ancestors? What are the appropriate forms of behavior or language in these situations?

  • How do people in your world convey respect or admiration for those from other cities or regions? What are the appropriate forms of behavior or language in these situations?

  • Are there any gestures or body language that are universally insulting in your world? How are these viewed or punished by different cultures or societies?

  • How do people in your world convey affection or love for one another? What are the appropriate forms of behavior or language in these situations?

Customs and Rituals
  • What are the different rites of passage in your world, and how do they differ by culture or society? How do these ceremonies mark the transition from one stage of life to another?

  • What are the different ages that mark the transition from child to adult in your world, and how do these differ by culture or society?

  • What are the traditions or rituals surrounding death and burial in your world? How do these differ by culture or society?

  • How do people in your world view the concept of death or the afterlife? Do they have any shared or differing beliefs about what happens to the soul after death?

  • What are the traditions or rituals surrounding engagements and proposals of marriage in your world? How do these differ by culture or society?

  • How do people in your world view the concept of marriage or relationships? Do they have any shared or differing beliefs about the roles and expectations of partners in a marriage?

  • How do people in your world celebrate or mark major life events, such as birthdays or anniversaries? What are the appropriate forms of behavior or gift-giving in these situations?

  • How do people in your world view the concept of family or kinship? Do they have any shared or differing beliefs about the roles and responsibilities of family members?

  • Are there any cultural or social taboos or customs that govern the relationships between different generations or family members in your world? How are these enforced or observed?

  • What are the different cultural or societal traditions that shape the festivals and celebrations in your world? How do these traditions vary by culture or region?

  • What are the themes or purposes of the different festivals and celebrations in your world? How do these reflect the values or beliefs of the people who celebrate them?

  • How do the different festivals and celebrations in your world compare in terms of their importance or significance? What makes one celebration more significant than another?

  • How do people in your world prepare for or participate in festivals and celebrations? What are the appropriate forms of behavior or dress in these situations?

  • How do people in your world mark the end of a festival or celebration? What are the appropriate forms of behavior or rituals in these situations?

  • How do the different festivals and celebrations in your world affect the economy or social life of the people living there? Do they attract tourists or have any other economic or social impacts?

  • How do the different festivals and celebrations in your world reflect the history or cultural identity of the people living there? How do these events preserve or transmit cultural traditions to future generations?

  • Are there any conflicts or controversies surrounding the festivals and celebrations in your world? How are these resolved or addressed?

  • How do the different festivals and celebrations in your world change or evolve over time? How do they adapt to new cultural or social influences?



• How many languages exist in your world? How did they originate?

• Which language is spoken most? Is there a universal language?

• How do the names differ in each region?

  • What are the different linguistic families or groups of languages in your world, and how do these differ from one another? How did these languages originate or evolve over time?

  • How do the different languages in your world compare in terms of their structure, vocabulary, or grammar? How do these differences shape the way people communicate or think?

  • What are the different scripts or writing systems used by the languages in your world? How do these differ from one another, and how are they used in different contexts?

  • Which language is spoken most widely in your world, and why? Is there a dominant or official language, or are there multiple languages spoken in different regions or by different communities?

  • Is there a universal language in your world that is used for communication between people of different linguistic backgrounds? How is this language learned or taught to others?

  • How do the different languages in your world interact or influence one another? Do they borrow words or phrases from one another, or do they remain more distinct?

  • What are the naming conventions in your world? How do people choose or receive their names, and what do they mean?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the importance or value of language? Do they have any shared or differing beliefs about the role of language in communication or identity?

  • Are there any linguistic or cultural barriers that prevent people from different regions or communities from communicating effectively with one another? How are these barriers overcome or managed?


What are the common sayings or expressions that are used in everyday language in your world? How do these reflect the values, beliefs, or culture of the people who use them?

  • What are the idioms or figurative expressions that are used in your world? How do these differ by language or culture, and how are they used in different contexts?

  • What are the insults or derogatory terms that are used in your world? How do these differ by language or culture, and how are they used in different contexts?

  • Are there any "untranslatable" words or concepts in your world that are specific to a certain group of people or culture? How do these words or concepts shape the way people think or communicate?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the use of language or slang? Do they have any shared or differing beliefs about the appropriateness or respectability of different forms of language?

  • Are there any language-based customs or traditions in your world that are specific to a certain group of people or culture? How are these customs or traditions observed or transmitted to future generations?

  • How do the different languages or cultures in your world view the use of humor or irony in communication? What are the appropriate or inappropriate forms of humor or irony in different contexts?

  • Are there any linguistic or cultural misunderstandings or miscommunications that occur between people from different regions or cultures in your world? How are these misunderstandings resolved or avoided?


How do the different accents in your world differ from one another, and what are the factors that influence these differences?

  • How do the different accents in your world reflect the geographical or cultural origins of the people who speak them?

  • How do the different accents in your world reflect the social class or level of education of the people who speak them?

  • How do the different accents in your world shape the way people are perceived or treated by others?

  • Are there any biases or prejudices associated with certain accents in your world? How are these biases or prejudices manifested or challenged?

  • How do the different accents in your world change or evolve over time? How do they adapt to new cultural or social influences?

  • Are there any linguistic or cultural barriers that prevent people from different regions or communities from understanding one another's accents? How are these barriers overcome or managed?

  • How do the different accents in your world reflect the history or cultural identity of the people living there? How do these accents preserve or transmit cultural traditions to future generations?

  • Are there any linguistic or cultural misunderstandings or miscommunications that occur between people from different regions or cultures in your world due to their accents? How are these misunderstandings resolved or avoided?

  • What are the different ways that people of the same race greet one another in your world, and how do these differ by culture or region?

  • What are the different ways that people of different races greet one another in your world, and how do these differ by culture or region?

  • Are there any cultural or social norms that govern the way people greet one another in your world? How are these norms observed or enforced?

  • Are there any informal or formal ways to greet others depending on the level of familiarity in your world? How do these differ by culture or region, and what are the appropriate forms of address in these situations?

  • How do people in your world view the importance or value of greetings or forms of address? Do they have any shared or differing beliefs about the role of these customs in social interactions?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the concept of politeness or respect? How do these beliefs shape the way people greet or address one another?

  • Are there any linguistic or cultural misunderstandings or miscommunications that occur between people from different regions or cultures in your world due to differences in greetings or forms of address? How are these misunderstandings resolved or avoided?

  • How do the greetings or forms of address in your world change or evolve over time? How do they adapt to new cultural or social influences?

  • Are there any conflicts or controversies surrounding the greetings or forms of address in your world? How are these resolved or addressed?



• How do people see each other in your world?

Foreigners? on-humans

• What are the social taboos?

What would one need to do into kicked out of society?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the concept of identity or belonging? Do they have any shared or differing beliefs about what defines a person or a group of people?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the concept of otherness or difference? Do they have any shared or differing beliefs about how to treat or interact with people who are perceived as different?

  • What are the social taboos or customs that govern the way people interact with one another in your world? How are these taboos or customs enforced or observed?

  • What are the consequences for breaking social taboos or customs in your world? How do people react to those who violate these norms?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the concept of respect or dignity? How do these beliefs shape the way people interact with one another?

  • Are there any conflicts or controversies surrounding social taboos or customs in your world? How are these resolved or addressed?

  • How do the social taboos or customs in your world change or evolve over time? How do they adapt to new cultural or social influences?

  • How do people in your world view the concept of foreigners or outsiders? Do they have any shared or differing beliefs about how to treat or interact with people from other regions or cultures?

  • How do people in your world view the concept of non-human or supernatural beings? Do they have any shared or differing beliefs about how to treat or interact with these beings?

Class or Caste Systems

• Is there a class system?

If so, how much emphasis does society place on it?

• What are the tell-tale signs that a person belongs to a certain class?

• How does class affect the business in your world?

Can anyone become a priest or a wizard, is it a privilege restricted to certain members of the hierarchy?

  • What are the different classes or social strata that exist in your world, and how do these differ from one another? How do people move between these classes, or is mobility limited?

  • What are the factors that determine a person's class or social status in your world? Is it based on factors such as birth, wealth, education, or occupation?

  • How much emphasis does society place on class or social status in your world? Is it a significant factor in how people interact or are perceived by others, or is it less important?

  • What are the tell-tale signs that a person belongs to a certain class or social stratum in your world? How are these signs manifested in terms of clothing, behavior, or language?

  • How does class or social status affect the way people are treated or perceived in your world? Are there any biases or prejudices associated with certain classes or strata?

  • How does class or social status affect the business or economic opportunities available to people in your world? Are certain occupations or industries restricted to certain classes or strata, or are they open to everyone?

  • How does class or social status affect the political or legal systems in your world? Are certain rights or privileges reserved for certain classes or strata, or are they open to everyone?

  • Are there any conflicts or controversies surrounding class or social status in your world? How are these resolved or addressed?

  • How do the class or social systems in your world change or evolve over time? How do they adapt to new cultural or social influences?

Family Structure

What is the typical family structure in your world? Are nuclear families the norm, or are extended families or other arrangements more common?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the concept of family? Do they have any shared or differing beliefs about the role of the family in society or in individual lives?

  • What is the social system within a family unit in your world? Is it patriarchal, matriarchal, or something else? How does this system shape the relationships and dynamics within the family?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view gender roles within the family? Do they have any shared or differing beliefs about the roles and responsibilities of men and women within the family?

  • What are the expectations or norms for parenting in your world? What constitutes a good father, a good mother, or a good child in different cultures or societies?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the concept of filial piety or respect for one's parents? How do these beliefs shape the relationships between parents and children within the family?

  • Are there any conflicts or controversies surrounding family structures or social systems within families in your world? How are these resolved or addressed?

  • How do the family structures or social systems within families in your world change or evolve over time? How do they adapt to new cultural or social influences?

  • Are there any cultural or social norms that govern the way people interact with their families in your world? How are these norms enforced or observed?

  • What are the different ways that marriage is defined in your world, and how do these differ by culture or region?

  • Is marriage a civil or religious institution in your world, or both? How do these different types of marriage differ from one another, and how do they coexist?

  • Do people in your world generally marry for love, or are other factors more important? If love is not the main reason for marriage, what are some other reasons that people might marry in your world?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the concept of love and romantic relationships? Do they have any shared or differing beliefs about what makes a relationship successful or fulfilling?

  • What are the expectations or norms for relationships and marriage in your world? What are the roles and responsibilities of spouses, and how do these differ by culture or region?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the concept of divorce or separation? Is it a common occurrence, or is it taboo or stigmatized? How are these situations dealt with or resolved in different cultures or societies?

  • Are there any conflicts or controversies surrounding marriage or relationships in your world? How are these resolved or addressed?

  • How do the norms or expectations for relationships and marriage in your world change or evolve over time? How do they adapt to new cultural or social influences?

  • Are there any cultural or social norms that govern the way people interact with their spouses or romantic partners in your world? How are these norms enforced or observed?



  • What are the major events or turning points in your world's history that have shaped its present-day society and culture?

  • What are the most significant wars or conflicts that have taken place on your world's soil, and how have they impacted the course of history?

  • How have the different cultures or societies in your world responded to these wars or conflicts, and how have they been affected by them?

  • What are the major technological, scientific, or cultural advancements that have occurred in your world's history, and how have these impacted societies or the way people live?

  • What are the major social or political movements that have shaped your world's history, and how have they impacted the way people think or behave?

  • Are there any mysteries or unknowns in your world's history that have yet to be fully understood or resolved? How do these shape the way people think about the past or the present?

  • When was the earliest known record of history in your world, and how has this record been preserved or passed down through the generations?

  • Can your world's history be divided into significant eras or periods, and if so, how do these differ from one another, and what events or developments marked the beginning and end of each era?

  • How have the different cultures or societies in your world viewed and interpreted their own history, and how have these views changed or evolved over time?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view their own past and present, and how do these views shape their identity or self-perception?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the history of other cultures or societies, and how do these views shape their relationships or interactions with one another?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world remember or honor their own history, and how do these practices differ from one another?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the role of history in shaping the present and the future, and how do these views differ from one another?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the importance of preserving or studying their own history, and how do they go about doing so?

  • Are there any controversies or debates within or between different cultures or societies about their own history, and how are these resolved or addressed?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the role of history in shaping their own identity or sense of belonging, and how do these views differ from one another?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the role of history in shaping their own values or beliefs, and how do these views differ from one another?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the role of history in shaping their own sense of purpose or meaning, and how do these views differ from one another?

  • What are the major myths or creation stories in your world, and how do these differ by culture or region?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the concept of the cosmos or the universe, and how do their myths or stories reflect these views?

  • How have these myths or stories impacted the way people in your world view the world around them or their place in it?

  • How have these myths or stories impacted the development of religious or spiritual beliefs in your world, and how do these beliefs differ from one another?

  • What are the major religious or spiritual traditions in your world, and how do these traditions differ from one another in terms of their beliefs, practices, or rituals?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the concept of divinity or the divine, and how do these views shape their religious or spiritual beliefs?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the concept of spirituality or the spiritual realm, and how do these views shape their religious or spiritual beliefs?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the concept of the afterlife or the soul, and how do these views shape their religious or spiritual beliefs?

  • How were stories passed down through the generations in your world, and how have these stories changed or evolved over time? How have these stories shaped the way people in your world view the world around them or their place in it?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the concept of culture, and how do they define or understand it?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world preserve and pass down their own culture, and what methods do they use to do so?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the importance of preserving their own culture, and how do they go about doing so?

  • What are some of the key elements or characteristics that define each culture or society in your world, and how do these elements or characteristics shape their identity or sense of self?

  • What are some of the key traditions, rituals, or customs that are unique to each culture or society in your world, and how do these traditions, rituals, or customs shape their identity or sense of belonging?

  • What are some of the key values, beliefs, or philosophies that are unique to each culture or society in your world, and how do these values, beliefs, or philosophies shape their identity or sense of purpose?

  • What are some of the key arts, crafts, or cultural practices that are unique to each culture or society in your world, and how do these arts, crafts, or cultural practices shape their identity or sense of self-expression?

  • What are some of the key elements or characteristics that people from a particular city, region, or country might be most proud of, and how do these elements or characteristics shape their identity or sense of pride?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the concept of cultural exchange or interaction, and how do they go about engaging with other cultures or societies in a respectful or meaningful way?

Literature, Art, and Music
  • What are the different art forms that are valued or celebrated in your world, and how do these art forms differ from one another in terms of their style, medium, or content?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the role of the arts in their own culture, and how do these views differ from one another?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world go about creating, producing, or sharing their own art, and how do these practices differ from one another?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the importance of the arts in their own culture, and how do they go about supporting or promoting the arts in their community?

  • Who are some of the major artists or creative figures in your world's history, and what are they known for? How have these artists or creative figures impacted the way the arts are viewed or valued in your world?

  • How have the arts in your world evolved over time, and what factors have contributed to this evolution?

  • How have the arts in your world been influenced by outside cultures or societies, and how have these influences shaped the way the arts are viewed or valued in your world?

  • Are there any art forms in your world that are considered taboo or controversial, and if so, why are they viewed in this way? How do people in your world react to or engage with these taboo or controversial art forms?

  • What are the different venues or spaces where the arts are shared or celebrated in your world, and how do these venues or spaces differ from one another in terms of their purpose or function?

  • What are the different fashion trends or styles that are popular in your world, and how do these trends or styles differ from one another in terms of their aesthetics, silhouette, or materials?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the concept of fashion, and how do these views differ from one another?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world go about creating, producing, or sharing their own fashion, and how do these practices differ from one another?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the importance of fashion in their own culture, and how do they go about supporting or promoting fashion in their community?

  • What are the customary modes of dress for men and women in your world, and how do these modes of dress differ from one another in terms of their style, silhouette, or materials?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the concept of gender and how it relates to fashion or dress, and how do these views shape the way men and women dress in your world?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the concept of fashion or dress as a way to reflect social status, and how do people in your world go about using fashion or dress to communicate their own social status?

  • What are the different dress codes or expectations for different professions in your world, and how do these dress codes or expectations differ from one another in terms of their formality or functionality?

  • How strictly are dress codes or expectations followed in your world, and what factors might influence whether or not people adhere to these codes or expectations?

  • What are the different ingredients, flavors, or cooking techniques that are commonly used in the different regional dishes in your world, and how do these ingredients, flavors, or techniques differ from one another in terms of their origin, availability, or cultural significance?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the concept of food, and how do these views differ from one another in terms of their values, beliefs, or practices surrounding food?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world go about producing, growing, or obtaining their own food, and how do these practices differ from one another in terms of their methods, techniques, or resources?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the importance of food in their own culture, and how do they go about preparing, sharing, or consuming food in their community?

  • What are the different regional dishes that are popular in your world, and how do these dishes differ from one another in terms of their ingredients, flavors, or cooking techniques?

  • How might the climate and environment of a particular region in your world influence the types of food that are available or commonly consumed there?

  • How do the different social classes or economic groups in your world view the concept of food, and how do these views shape the way different groups of people eat in your world?

  • What are considered luxurious or exotic foods in your world, and how are these foods obtained or consumed? What are considered staple or common foods, and how are these foods obtained or consumed?

  • How are mealtimes approached in your world, and what factors might influence when, where, or how people eat in your world? Are there any traditions or customs that surround mealtimes in your world, and if so, how do these traditions or customs differ from one another in terms of their purpose or significance?



  • What are the different religions or belief systems that exist in your world, and how do these religions or belief systems differ from one another in terms of their values, beliefs, or practices?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the concept of religion, and how do these views differ from one another in terms of their values, beliefs, or practices surrounding religion?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world go about practicing or expressing their own religion, and how do these practices differ from one another in terms of their methods, techniques, or resources?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the importance of religion in their own culture, and how do they go about supporting or promoting religion in their community?

  • What are the different ways in which people in your world go about worshipping or practicing their religion, and how do these ways differ from one another in terms of their purpose, significance, or rituals?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the concept of faith or spirituality, and how do these views shape the way people in your world go about worshipping or practicing their religion?

  • How do people in your world go about expressing their faith or spirituality in their everyday lives, and what factors might influence the way they do this?

  • What are the different places of worship or sacred sites in your world, and how do these places differ from one another in terms of their purpose, significance, or architecture?

  • When and where do people in your world go about worshipping or practicing their religion, and what factors might influence the time or location of their worship?

Gods and Deities
  • What are the different pantheons of gods that exist in your world, and how do these pantheons differ from one another in terms of their values, beliefs, or practices?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the concept of gods, and how do these views differ from one another in terms of their values, beliefs, or practices surrounding gods?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world go about worshipping or interacting with their gods, and how do these practices differ from one another in terms of their methods, techniques, or resources?

  • What are the different functions or roles that the gods in your world serve in society, and how do these functions or roles differ from one another in terms of their purpose or significance?

  • What are the different powers, abilities, or domains that the gods in your world are associated with, and how do these powers, abilities, or domains shape the way the gods are worshipped or revered by people in your world?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the relationship between gods and mortals, and how do these views shape the way people in your world go about worshipping or interacting with their gods?

  • What are the different stories, myths, or legends that exist in your world about the gods, and how do these stories, myths, or legends differ from one another in terms of their content, purpose, or significance?

  • How do the different pantheons of gods in your world interact with one another, and what are the conflicts or tensions that may exist between different pantheons of gods in your world?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the role of prophecy or divination in relation to the gods, and how do these views shape the way people in your world go about worshipping or interacting with their gods?

  • How do the gods in your world interact with mortals, and what are the ways in which mortals might be able to communicate or interact with the gods?

  • What are the different festivals or celebrations that are held in honor of the gods in your world, and how do these festivals or celebrations differ from one another in terms of their purpose, significance, or rituals?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world go about appeasing or placating their gods, and what are the consequences of failing to do so?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the concept of sacrifice in relation to the gods, and how do these views shape the way people in your world go about worshipping or interacting with their gods?

  • What are the different ways in which the gods in your world might manifest themselves or interact with mortals, and how do these ways differ from one another in terms of their purpose or significance?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the concept of the afterlife or reincarnation in relation to the gods, and how do these views shape the way people in your world go about worshipping or interacting with their gods?

  • How do the different cultures or societies in your world view the concept of sin or wrongdoing in relation to the gods, and how do these views shape the way people in your world go about worshipping or interacting with their gods?

  • What are the different rituals or ceremonies that are associated with the gods in your world, and how do these rituals or ceremonies differ from one another in terms of their purpose, significance, or symbolism?

  • What are the different roles or responsibilities that the gods in your world might have in relation to the natural world or the cosmos, and how do these roles or responsibilities shape the way people in your world go about worshipping or interacting with their gods?

Holy Texts
  • Who are the major figures or prophets in your world's religion(s), and how do their teachings or beliefs shape the way people in your world go about worshipping or interacting with the gods?

  • How do people in your world go about interpreting the holy texts or scriptures, and what are the different ways in which these texts might be read or studied?

  • What are the different factions or sects that might exist within the religion(s) in your world, and how do these factions or sects differ from one another in terms of their beliefs or practices?

  • How do people in your world go about learning about the teachings or beliefs of their religion(s), and what are the different ways in which these teachings or beliefs might be passed down from one generation to the next?

  • What are the different moral or ethical codes that are outlined in the holy texts or scriptures of your world's religion(s), and how do these codes shape the way people in your world go about living their lives?

  • What are the different rituals or ceremonies that are outlined in the holy texts or scriptures of your world's religion(s), and how do these rituals or ceremonies differ from one another in terms of their purpose or significance?

  • What are the different prophecies or visions that are outlined in the holy texts or scriptures of your world's religion(s), and how do these prophecies or visions shape the way people in your world go about interpreting or understanding their faith?

  • How do the holy texts or scriptures of your world's religion(s) interact with or shape the political or social structures of your world, and how do these structures in turn shape the way people go about worshipping or interacting with the gods?

  • How do the holy texts or scriptures of your world's religion(s) interact with or shape the laws or legal systems of your world, and how do these laws or legal systems in turn shape the way people go about worshipping or interacting with the gods?

Significant Prophets

• Who are the important religious figures in the world?

  • For what reason are they significant?

  • What are the different roles that these religious figures play in your world's religion(s), and how do these roles differ from one another in terms of their responsibilities or duties?

  • What are the different titles or designations that these religious figures might hold, and how do these titles or designations reflect their status or authority within the religion(s)?

  • How are these religious figures selected or chosen, and what are the different qualifications or criteria that they must meet in order to be eligible for these positions?

  • How do these religious figures go about performing their duties or carrying out their responsibilities, and what are the different ways in which they might be expected to interact with or serve the members of their religion(s)?

  • How do these religious figures interact with or influence the political or social structures of your world, and how do these structures in turn shape the way that these religious figures go about carrying out their duties or responsibilities?

  • How do these religious figures interact with or influence the laws or legal systems of your world, and how do these laws or legal systems in turn shape the way that these religious figures go about carrying out their duties or responsibilities?

  • What are the different beliefs or teachings that these religious figures hold, and how do these beliefs or teachings shape the way that people in your world go about worshipping or interacting with the gods?

  • What are the different challenges or conflicts that these religious figures might face in carrying out their duties or responsibilities, and how do they go about overcoming or resolving these challenges or conflicts?

  • What are the different personal or professional sacrifices that these religious figures might be expected to make in order to fulfill their duties or responsibilities, and how do they go about balancing their personal lives with their religious obligations?



  • What are the different subjects that are taught in your world's educational institutions, and how are these subjects structured or organized in terms of curriculum or coursework?

  • What are the different methods of teaching that are used in your world's educational institutions, and how do these methods differ from one another in terms of their effectiveness or popularity?

  • What are the different types of educational institutions that exist in your world, and how do these institutions differ from one another in terms of their size, location, focus, or mission?

  • What are the different resources or materials that are used in your world's educational institutions, and how do these resources or materials differ from one another in terms of their cost, availability, or suitability for different age groups or learning styles?

  • What are the different challenges or barriers that students in your world might face in accessing or completing their education, and how do these challenges or barriers differ depending on the student's background, location, or circumstances?

  • How do people in your world view education, and how does this view shape the way that educational institutions are structured or funded?

  • What are the different ways in which people in your world might pursue education beyond the formal education system, such as through self-study, apprenticeships, or other informal learning opportunities?

  • How does education in your world prepare people for different careers or roles in society, and how do these career or societal expectations shape the way that education is structured or prioritized?

  • How does education in your world interact with or influence other social, cultural, or political institutions or systems in your world, and how do these institutions or systems in turn shape the way that education is structured or delivered?



• How do people spend their leisure time in your world?

What forms of entertainment are most common?

• Are there any organized sports in your world?

What is the role of music in your world? Is it used for entertainment, worship, or something else?

• What instruments are commonly used in your world? Are there any that are unique to a particular culture or region?

• How is the arts industry structured in your world? Are there guilds, unions, or other organizations that oversee the creation and distribution of art?

• How do people in your world celebrate holidays and special occasions? Are there any particular traditions or customs that are unique to a particular culture or region?

• How do people in your world keep track of time? Are there calendars or other systems in place to mark the passing of days, months, and years?

• How is your world's history recorded and preserved? Are there libraries, archives, or other institutions that collect and maintain historical records?

• What is the role of the media in your world? How is news and information distributed, and who controls its flow?

• What is the role of technology in your world? How advanced is it, and how has it impacted society and culture?

• How is art, literature, and other forms of creative expression valued in your world? Are there any particular styles or genres that are particularly popular or influential?

• How does your world's political system work? Is it a monarchy, a democracy, or something else? How is power exercised and maintained, and what are the various factions and groups that are vying for influence?



  • How does magic work in your world? Is it inherent to certain individuals or can it be learned? How is it accessed and harnessed?

  • What are the different forms or types of magic that exist in your world? How do they differ from each other and what are they used for?

  • Are there any magical artifacts or objects that play a role in your world's magic system? How are they created and how do they function?

  • How has the use of magic changed over time in your world? Have there been any major shifts or revolutions in the way magic is understood or used?

  • What role do magical organizations or institutions play in your world? Do they regulate the use of magic or teach it to others? How do they fit into the wider society?

  • How do non-magical people interact with those who can use magic? Are there any prejudices or discrimination based on magical ability? How are these issues addressed in your world?

  • What are the ethical considerations surrounding the use of magic in your world? Are there any moral dilemmas that arise when it comes to using magic for personal gain or to achieve certain ends?

  • How does the use of magic affect the natural world in your world? Are there any unintended consequences or side effects of using magic?

  • Is magic a common or rare occurrence in your world? How does this affect the way it is perceived and used by those who can access it?

  • How does the use of magic intersect with other aspects of your world, such as religion, politics, or technology?

  • Are there any taboo subjects or forbidden forms of magic in your world? Why are they prohibited and what are the consequences of breaking these taboos?

  • Are there any magical creatures or beings in your world? How do they fit into society and how do they interact with humans (or other species)?

  • Are there any magical phenomena or events that occur in your world, such as curses, blessings, or prophecies? How do they shape the course of events in your story or setting?

  • Are there any magical traditions or rituals that are practiced in your world? How do they fit into the wider culture and what do they involve?

  • What is the role of magic in your world's economy? Can it be traded or sold, or is it only accessible to certain individuals or groups?

  • How does magic fit into your world's history? Have there been any significant moments or events related to magic in the past that shape the present?

Rules of Magic
  • How is magic accessed and harnessed in your world? Is it innate to certain individuals or can it be learned and practiced by anyone?

  • What are the different forms or types of magic that exist in your world? How do they differ from each other and what are they used for?

  • How does the use of magic affect the user and those around them? Are there any physical or emotional consequences to using magic?

  • Are there any magical artifacts or objects that play a role in your world's magic system? How are they created and how do they function?

  • How does the source of magic in your world influence the way it is used and perceived? Is it a natural force or a supernatural one?

  • Is there a language or specific set of words or phrases that are used to cast spells or access magic in your world? How did this language come about and how is it used in magical practice?

  • Is there a governing body or organization that regulates the use of magic in your world? How does this entity operate and what are its goals or motivations?

  • Are there any magical traditions or rituals that are practiced in your world? How do they fit into the wider culture and what do they involve?

  • How does magic fit into the laws and societal norms of your world? Is it restricted or criminalized in any way, or is it accepted as a normal part of daily life?

  • Are there any specific conditions or requirements for using magic in your world? For example, is it only possible to use magic at certain times of the day or in certain locations?

  • How does the power or strength of magic vary among different users or practitioners? Are there any factors that can affect a person's magical ability, such as age, training, or natural aptitude?

  • How does the use of magic impact the natural world in your world? Are there any unintended consequences or side effects of using magic?

  • Are there any magical creatures or beings in your world? How do they fit into society and how do they interact with humans (or other species)?

  • What is the role of magic in your world's economy? Can it be traded or sold, or is it only accessible to certain individuals or groups?

  • How does magic fit into your world's history? Have there been any significant moments or events related to magic in the past that shape the present?

  • Are there any magical traditions or rituals that are practiced in your world? How do they fit into the wider culture and what do they involve?

  • How does the use of magic intersect with other aspects of your world, such as religion, politics, or technology?

  • Are there any taboo subjects or forbidden forms of magic in your world? Why are they prohibited and what are the consequences of breaking these taboos?

  • How does the magical community in your world operate and interact with each other? Are there any rivalries or factions within the community, or is it generally united?

  • Are there any magical schools or academies in your world that teach magic to students? How do they function and what is the process for becoming a student?

  • What is the role of magical research in your world? Are there any magical theories or concepts that are widely accepted or contested within the community?

  • Is magic seen as a rare and coveted gift in your world, or is it more common and accepted as a normal part of life? How does this affect the way magic is viewed and used by society?

  • Are there any magical laws or codes of conduct that are followed by practitioners of magic in your world? What are the consequences of breaking these laws or codes?

  • Are there any magical organizations or institutions in your world that serve a specific purpose or function, such as protecting the magical community or upholding certain magical traditions?

  • How does magic intersect with other forms of power or authority in your world? For example, do magical practitioners have any political influence or are they subject to the laws and regulations of non-magical authorities?

  • Are there any magical events or phenomena that occur in your world, such as curses, blessings, or prophecies? How do they shape the course of events in your story or setting?

  • How does magic fit into the overall cosmology or mythology of your world? Is it seen as a natural or supernatural force, and how does it relate to other elements of your world's supernatural landscape?

Practitioning Magicians
  • How is the status of magicians in your world affected by their magical abilities? Are they respected, feared, or ostracized by society because of their powers?

  • Are there any social or cultural factors that influence the way magicians are perceived in your world? For example, do certain classes or professions tend to be more accepting of magic, or are there certain beliefs or values that shape the way magic is viewed?

  • How do non-magical people in your world interact with those who can use magic? Are there any prejudices or discrimination based on magical ability? How are these issues addressed in your world?

  • What is the role of magicians in your world's political or social systems? Are they trusted advisors or leaders, or are they marginalized and mistrusted by those in positions of power?

  • Are there any magical organizations or institutions in your world that serve a specific purpose or function, such as protecting the magical community or upholding certain magical traditions? How do these entities fit into the wider society and what is their relationship with non-magical people?

  • How much magic exists in your world? Is it a common or rare occurrence? How does this affect the way it is perceived and used by those who can access it?

  • Are there any magical creatures or beings in your world? How do they fit into society and how do they interact with humans (or other species)? How do magicians and non-magicians view these beings and their magical abilities?

  • What is the relationship between different groups of magicians in your world? Do they cooperate or compete with each other, or do they have a more neutral relationship? How do these interactions shape the way magic is perceived and used in your world?

  • How does the use of magic intersect with other aspects of your world, such as religion, politics, or technology? How do these intersections shape the way magic is viewed and used in your world?

  • Are there any magical laws or codes of conduct that are followed by practitioners of magic in your world? What are the consequences for breaking these laws or codes?

  • How is magic viewed by different groups or factions in your world? Are there any ideological or philosophical differences that shape the way magic is perceived and used?

  • Are there any magical traditions or rituals that are practiced in your world? How do they fit into the wider culture and what do they involve?

  • What is the history of magic in your world? Have there been any significant moments or events related to magic in the past that shape the present?

  • How does magic fit into the overall cosmology or mythology of your world? Is it seen as a natural or supernatural force, and how does it relate to other elements of your world's supernatural landscape?

  • Are there any magical events or phenomena that occur in your world, such as curses, blessings, or prophecies? How do they shape the course of events in your story or setting?

  • How does the use of magic affect the natural world in your world? Are there any unintended consequences or side effects of using magic?

  • Are there any taboo subjects or forbidden forms of magic in your world? Why are they prohibited and what are the consequences of breaking these taboos?



  • How advanced is the technology in your world compared to our own? Are there any specific technologies or innovations that stand out as particularly advanced or noteworthy?

  • What are the key principles or concepts that drive the technology in your world? How does it work and what are the limitations or challenges that technological advancement must overcome?

  • How does technology impact different parts of society in your world? For example, how does it shape transportation, communication, or medicine? Are there any unintended consequences or side effects of technological advancement?

  • How does the use of technology differ between different social groups or classes in your world? Are certain technologies more accessible or restricted based on factors such as wealth or status?

  • What is the relationship like between magic and technology in your world? Do they co-exist peacefully, or are there conflicts or rivalries between the two?

  • Are there any rules or regulations governing the use of magic and technology in your world? Who is responsible for enforcing these rules and how do they do so?

  • How does the use of magic and technology intersect with other aspects of your world, such as religion, politics, or the natural environment? How do these intersections shape the way magic and technology are viewed and used in your world?

  • Are there any magical or technological organizations or institutions in your world that serve a specific purpose or function, such as protecting the magical community or advancing technological research? How do these entities fit into the wider society and what is their relationship with each other?

  • How does the history of magic and technology in your world shape the present? Have there been any significant moments or events related to magic and technology in the past that have shaped the way they are viewed and used today?



  • What are the most common or widely used weapons in your world? Are there any particular types of weapons that are preferred or specialized for certain tasks or situations?

  • What are the key principles or concepts that drive the design and function of the weapons in your world? For example, do they rely on a particular technology or energy source, or do they have more traditional mechanisms of operation?

  • Who makes the weapons in your world? Are they produced by specialized arms manufacturers, or are they created by individuals or smaller workshops?

  • How do people in your world acquire weapons? Are they easily obtainable or are there restrictions or regulations in place that limit access to them?

  • What are the role of weapons in your world's society and culture? Are they seen as necessary tools or as a symbol of power or status?

  • Are there any particular groups or individuals in your world who are known for their expertise in weapons or who have a reputation for using them? How do these individuals or groups fit into the wider society and what is their relationship with those who do not use weapons?

  • How does the use of weapons intersect with other aspects of your world, such as technology, magic, or politics? How do these intersections shape the way weapons are viewed and used in your world?

  • What is the history of weapons in your world? Have there been any significant moments or events related to weapons in the past that shape the present?

  • Are there any cultural or social norms surrounding the use of weapons in your world? For example, are there any etiquette rules or codes of conduct that govern the way weapons are used or displayed?

Signature Weapons
  • What are the special weapons in your world and what makes them unique or noteworthy? How do they differ from more traditional weapons in terms of their design, function, or abilities?

  • How are special weapons made in your world? Are they created using advanced technologies or are they imbued with magical properties? Do they have any specific requirements or materials that must be used in their creation?

  • How many special weapons exist in your world? Are they rare and coveted objects, or are they more common and widely available?

  • Who has access to special weapons in your world? Are they owned and wielded by certain individuals or groups, or are they available to anyone who can obtain them?

  • How do special weapons fit into the broader society and culture of your world? Are they seen as symbols of power or status, or are they more specialized tools used for specific tasks or purposes?

  • Are there any myths or legends surrounding the special weapons in your world? What role do they play in the stories and histories of your world?

  • How do special weapons intersect with other aspects of your world, such as magic, technology, or politics? How do these intersections shape the way special weapons are viewed and used in your world?

  • What is the history of special weapons in your world? Have there been any significant moments or events related to these weapons in the past that shape the present?

  • Are there any cultural or social norms surrounding the use of special weapons in your world? For example, are there any etiquette rules or codes of conduct that govern the way these weapons are used or displayed?

Common Weapons
  • Are there any weapons that are so commonplace in your world that they are considered a normal part of daily life? If so, what are these weapons and how are they used?

  • What factors contribute to the prevalence of certain weapons in your world? For example, are certain weapons more readily available or easier to use, or do they have specific cultural or historical significance?

  • Are there any professions or social groups in your world that are expected to carry or use weapons as part of their daily routine? How do these groups fit into the wider society and what is the role of weapons in their work or activities?

  • Are there any religious or cultural traditions in your world that involve the bearing or use of weapons? How do these traditions fit into the broader society and what is the role of weapons in these practices?

  • How do the different weapons and weapon-wielding groups in your world interact with each other? Are there any rivalries or conflicts between them, or do they coexist peacefully?

  • How does the use of weapons intersect with other aspects of your world, such as magic, technology, or politics? How do these intersections shape the way weapons are viewed and used in your world?

  • What is the history of weapons in your world? Have there been any significant moments or events related to weapons in the past that shape the present?

  • Are there any cultural or social norms surrounding the use of weapons in your world? For example, are there any etiquette rules or codes of conduct that govern the way weapons are used or displayed?

  • Are there any laws or regulations governing the use of weapons in your world? Who is responsible for enforcing these laws and how are they enforced?



  • How is trade facilitated in your world? Are there specific institutions or organizations that facilitate trade, such as traveling merchants, guilds, or auctions? Or is trade carried out more informally or through other means?

  • What are the key factors that influence the flow of trade in your world? For example, are there any geographical, political, or economic considerations that shape the way trade is carried out?

  • What cities, countries, or regions are allies or trade partners in your world? How do these relationships shape the way trade is carried out and what benefits do they bring to the parties involved?

  • How has the landscape of trade in your world changed over time? Have there been any significant events or shifts in the way trade is carried out that have shaped the present state of affairs?

  • How does trade intersect with other aspects of your world, such as magic, technology, or politics? How do these intersections shape the way trade is carried out in your world?

  • What is the role of trade in your world's economy? How does it contribute to the overall prosperity or stability of different regions or countries?

  • How is the soft power of a region, city, or country determined in your world? Are there specific factors or indicators that are used to measure a place's influence or reputation? How does this soft power shape the way trade is carried out and the relationships between different regions or countries?

  • Are there any cultural or social norms surrounding trade in your world? For example, are there any customs or etiquette rules that govern the way trade is carried out or the way traders are treated?

  • What is the role of trade in your world's culture and society? Is it seen as a necessary part of daily life or as something more specialized or elite?

  • Are there any specific goods or resources that are especially valuable or coveted in your world? How are these resources acquired and traded, and what is the role of trade in their distribution and use?

  • Are there any conflicts or disputes related to trade in your world? How are these conflicts resolved and what is the role of trade in shaping the relationships between different regions or countries?

  • What is the history of trade in your world? Have there been any significant moments or events related to trade in the past that shape the present?

  • How does trade intersect with other aspects of your world, such as magic, technology, or politics? How do these intersections shape the way trade is carried out in your world?

  • Are there any influential or powerful trade organizations or figures in your world? How do they shape the way trade is carried out and what is their relationship with different regions or countries?

  • Is there a universal currency in your world that is used in all regions or countries, or are there multiple currencies that are used in different areas? If there are multiple currencies, what are they and how do they differ from each other?

  • If there is a universal currency in your world, how is it valued and what determines its value? Is its value tied to specific goods or resources, or is it based on more abstract factors such as supply and demand?

  • If there are multiple regional currencies in your world, how are they valued in relation to each other? Are there any exchange rates or other mechanisms in place to facilitate trade between different regions or countries?

  • How is currency circulated in your world? Are there banks or other financial institutions that play a role in the circulation of currency, or is it done more informally?

  • What are the denominations of the currency in your world? Are there coins, bills, or other physical forms of currency, or is it all digital? If there are physical forms of currency, what are they made of and how are they produced?

  • Can the currency in your world be broken down into smaller units, such as dollars, cents, dimes, or quarters? If so, how are these smaller units valued and used in everyday transactions?

  • How does the use of currency in your world intersect with other aspects of your world, such as trade, technology, or politics? How do these intersections shape the way currency is valued and used in your world?

  • What is the history of currency in your world? Have there been any significant moments or events related to currency in the past that shape the present?

  • Are there any cultural or social norms surrounding the use of currency in your world? For example, are there any etiquette rules or codes of conduct that govern the way currency is used or exchanged?

Major Imports & Exports
  • What are the major exports of the region or city in your world, and what goods or resources are imported from other areas? How do these exports and imports shape the economy and culture of the region or city?

  • How has the trade profile of the region or city evolved over time? Have there been any significant changes in the types of goods or resources that are exported or imported, or in the way, trade is carried out?

  • Does the region or city specialize in a particular type of trade, such as livestock, weaponry, or a specific resource or commodity? If so, why is this the case? What factors contribute to the specialization of the region or city in this area of trade?

  • How does the specialization of the region or city in a particular trade intersect with other aspects of your world, such as magic, technology, or politics? How do these intersections shape the way trade is carried out in the region or city?

  • What is the history of trade in the region or city? Have there been any significant moments or events related to trade in the past that shape the present state of affairs?

  • Are there any cultural or social norms surrounding trade in the region or city? For example, are there any customs or etiquette rules that govern the way trade is carried out or the way traders are treated?

  • How does the trade profile of the region or city fit into the broader context of trade in your world? How does it compare to other regions or cities in terms of exports, imports, and specialization?

Natural Resources
  • What resources are natural to different parts of your world, and how do these resources shape the economy and culture of these regions? For example, are there certain regions that are known for producing specific types of goods or resources, such as crops, minerals, or timber?

  • How does the availability of natural resources in different parts of your world affect the way trade is carried out? For example, are there certain regions that are dependent on importing certain resources, or are there regions that are self-sufficient in terms of their natural resources?

  • How do the natural resources of different regions or countries intersect with other aspects of your world, such as magic, technology, or politics? How do these intersections shape the way trade is carried out and the relationships between different regions or countries?

  • What is the history of natural resource extraction and trade in your world? Have there been any significant moments or events related to these resources in the past that shape the present state of affairs?

  • Are there any cultural or social norms surrounding the use of natural resources in your world? For example, are there any customs or etiquette rules that govern the way these resources are used or traded?

  • How do the natural resources of different regions or countries fit into the broader context of trade in your world? How do they compare to other regions or countries in terms of their importance or value in trade?

  • Are there any conflicts or disputes related to the natural resources of different regions or countries in your world? How are these conflicts resolved and what is the role of trade in shaping the relationships between different regions or countries?



  • How easy is it to travel within and outside of a city in your world? Are there well-developed transportation networks or are there more limited options for movement?

  • What modes of transportation exist in your world, and how do they shape the way people travel within and between cities? For example, are there horses, anti-gravity cars, trains, or other forms of transportation that are used?

  • How do different modes of transportation intersect with other aspects of your world, such as magic, technology, or politics? How do these intersections shape the way people travel and the relationships between different regions or countries?

  • What is the history of transportation in your world? Have there been any significant moments or events related to transportation in the past that shape the present state of affairs?

  • Are there any cultural or social norms surrounding transportation in your world? For example, are there any customs or etiquette rules that govern the way people travel or the way different modes of transportation are used?

  • How is information disseminated all over your world? Are there specific institutions or technologies that are used to spread information, such as ink and paper, owl, newspaper, or messenger? How do these different methods of disseminating information shape the way people communicate and the way information flows in your world?

  • How do different methods of disseminating information intersect with other aspects of your world, such as trade, technology, or politics? How do these intersections shape the way information is shared and the relationships between different regions or countries?

  • What is the history of disseminating information in your world? Have there been any significant moments or events related to the spread of information in the past that shape the present state of affairs?



• What crafts or trades are highly valued in your world, and why? Are there certain professions or skills that are seen as more important or prestigious than others, and if so, why?

  • Are some professions considered more elite or respectable than others in your world, and if so, how are these distinctions made? Are there any specific factors that contribute to the prestige or status of a profession, such as education, social connections, or specialized training?

  • How do people advance in their fields in your world? Are there apprenticeships or other forms of structured training that people go through in order to gain skills and knowledge in their profession, or is advancement more informal and based on experience and merit?

  • How easy is social mobility in your world? Are there barriers or obstacles that make it difficult for people to move up the social ladder or change professions, or is it relatively easy for people to change their social status or career path?

  • What is the normal work schedule for the average person in your world? Are there standard working hours or is work more flexible and varied depending on the profession or industry?

  • What is the average income in your world? How does this vary by profession, region, or other factors, and what factors contribute to differences in income?

  • How do different professions and industries intersect with other aspects of your world, such as trade, technology, or politics? How do these intersections shape the way work is carried out and the relationships between different regions or countries?

  • What is the history of work and professions in your world? Have there been any significant moments or events related to work and professions in the past that shape the present state of affairs?



  • What is the form of government in your world, and how does it function? Is it a monarchy, republic, empire, theocracy, or some other form of government? What are the key institutions and processes that make up the government, and how do they interact with each other and with the broader society?

  • What are the responsibilities of the government in your world? What are the key areas that the government is responsible for overseeing or regulating, and how does it carry out these responsibilities?

  • How far does the government's sphere of influence spread in your world? Does the government have authority over all aspects of society, or are there areas that are beyond its control, such as magic, religion, or certain economic sectors?

  • How is the government perceived by the people in your world? Do the people trust the government and feel that it is acting in their best interests, or is there tension and mistrust between the government and the people?

  • What is the history of government in your world? Have there been any significant moments or events related to the form or function of government in the past that shape the present state of affairs?

  • How does the government in your world intersect with other aspects of your world, such as trade, technology, or magic? How do these intersections shape the way the government functions and the relationships between different regions or countries?

  • Are there any cultural or social norms surrounding the role and function of the government in your world? For example, are there any customs or etiquette rules that govern the way the government is approached or interacted with by the people?



  • What is the rule of law in your world, and how is it enforced? Is there a system of laws that is followed by all members of society, or are there other forms of social control or arbitration that are used to resolve disputes and maintain order?

  • What are the most important laws in your world, and how do they reflect the values and priorities of society? For example, are there laws that protect individual rights or ensure the safety and well-being of the community, or are there laws that are more focused on preserving social hierarchies or enforcing certain cultural norms?

  • How are laws made and amended in your world? Is there a formal process for creating and changing laws, or is it more informal and based on custom or tradition?

  • What are the punishments for breaking the law in your world? Are there specific penalties or sanctions that are imposed on people who violate the law, or is a punishment more flexible and varied depending on the circumstances and the nature of the offense?

  • How do different laws and legal systems intersect with other aspects of your world, such as magic, technology, or politics? How do these intersections shape the way the law is enforced and the relationships between different regions or countries?

  • What is the history of the rule of law in your world? Have there been any significant moments or events related to the law in the past that shape the present state of affairs?

  • Are there any cultural or social norms surrounding the law in your world? For example, are there any customs or etiquette rules that govern the way the law is approached or interacted with by the people?

Justice Systems
  • What is the legal process in your world, and how is it structured? How are people tried and judged in your world, and what are the key steps in the legal process? Are there specific institutions or procedures that are followed when someone is accused of a crime or involved in a legal dispute, or is the legal process more flexible and varied depending on the circumstances?

  • How does magic fit into the legal system in your world? Is magic treated differently than other forms of evidence or testimony, or is it subject to the same legal standards and rules? Are there any specific laws or regulations that govern the use of magic in the legal system, or is it seen as a neutral force that can be used by anyone?

  • Is magic considered to be above the law in your world, or is it subject to the same legal constraints as other forms of behavior or activity? How does this affect the way people use magic, and how does it shape the relationships between different groups or individuals who use magic?

  • How do different legal systems and processes intersect with other aspects of your world, such as trade, technology, or politics? How do these intersections shape the way the law is enforced and the relationships between different regions or countries?

  • What is the history of the legal system in your world? Have there been any significant moments or events related to the law in the past that shape the present state of affairs?

  • Are there any cultural or social norms surrounding the legal system in your world? For example, are there any customs or etiquette rules that govern the way the law is approached or interacted with by the people?

War Systems
  • How is war declared in your world, and what are the key steps that a country must go through in order to engage in war? Is there a formal process that must be followed, or is it more flexible and based on custom or tradition?

  • What is the command structure of the army in your world, and how is it organized? Are there specific ranks or titles that are used to indicate authority and responsibility within the army, and how are these ranks or titles earned or assigned?

  • How big is the army in your world, and what is its composition? Is the army composed of humans, non-humans, or a mix of both, and how does this shape the way the army functions and the types of tactics and strategies that it employs?

  • How does the army in your world intersect with other aspects of your world, such as trade, technology, or magic? How do these intersections shape the way the army is equipped and trained, and the relationships between different regions or countries?

  • What is the history of the army in your world? Have there been any significant moments or events related to the army in the past that shape the present state of affairs?

  • Are there any cultural or social norms surrounding the army in your world? For example, are there any customs or etiquette rules that govern the way the army is approached or interacted with by the people, or any traditions that are followed within the army itself?


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1 commentaire

01 févr. 2023

This took so fucking long.

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