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Story Writing Questions


  1. How do I come up with ideas for my story?

  2. How do I revise and edit my story to make it the best it can be?


  1. How do I create well-rounded, fully-developed characters?

  2. How do I use character arc and development to create a sense of growth and change in my story?

  3. What should I consider when developing characters for my story?

  4. What should I avoid doing when making characters?

  5. What makes a character a "Mary Sue"? What is that?


  1. How do I structure my story using a three-act structure or a hero's journey?

  2. How do I create tension and conflict in my story?/How do I create a believable and engaging conflict for my story?

  3. How do I use dialogue and action to move my story forward and reveal character development?/How do I create believable and realistic dialogue for my characters?

  4. How do I make sure my story has a clear and compelling plot?

  5. How do I use foreshadowing and symbolism to add depth and meaning to my story?

  6. How do I use subplots to enrich the main plot of my story?

  7. How do I create compelling and believable dialogue for my characters?

  8. How do I incorporate themes and symbols into my story to give it depth and meaning?

  9. How do I use setting and atmosphere to enhance the mood and tone of my story?

  10. How do I use descriptive language and imagery to bring my story to life?

  11. How do I effectively use point of view and voice to tell my story?

  12. How do I use pacing and timing to create a sense of tension and build suspense in my story?

  13. How do I use flashbacks and other narrative devices to add depth and complexity to my story?

  14. How do I effectively use dialogue, action, and inner monologue to reveal character development and move my story forward?

  15. How do I create a compelling and engaging opening for my story?

  16. How do I make sure my story has a clear and satisfying resolution?

  17. How do I use plot twists and other surprise elements to keep my readers engaged?

  18. How do I balance character development, plot, and themes in my story?


  1. How do I build a believable and immersive world for my story?


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